but i didint really look into it until now.
however, RSS is easy to use, it helps you to subscribt to the page that
you always want to read,
and it provide new post to you through your reader, or internet explorer.
and user can also share what they want to share in a easy way.
3 ways to add feed:
1) let Google reader find it
Copy the address of the website and let goggle search for its RSS feed
2) Search for the following terms for the link, copy the paste it to "add subscribtion"
- subscribe
- syndicate
- feed
- rss
- xml
- atom
3) Click on XML, RSS button from the page directly

My Public RSS page
RSS is a useful technology to use everyday,
because once your computer connected to the internet,
your reader will automatically search for new items/ post
that you may interested in or from the specific website.
you dont have to look through the old posts,
or posts that you have already read.
it tells you which one is new, and which one you did not read yet.